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How to install numpy in a virtualenv on Debian?

Install error easy_install python [duplicate]

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When I run the setuptools .egg "as if it were a shell script", what's actually happening?

"AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__getstate__' " shows up when I use easy_install

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Upgraded Python on Snowleopard Using Homebrew now pip and easy_install don't work

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gcc error from easy_install of setproctitle

Easy_install's --prefix option doesn't change where it tries to install my package

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"/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ does NOT support .pth files" installing pip on MacOS

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easy_install M2Crypto failing on Windows platform

Problems installing Python Fabric on Windows 7

easy_install - pyCurl install issue

python pip easy-install pycurl

Does buildout/easy_install/setup_tools verify SSL certificates?

Python Packaging Documentation

Setuptools / distutils: Installing files into the distribution's DLLs directory on Windows

Negative extra_requires in Python setup.py

Easy_install or pip with NTLM auth

python ntlm easy-install pip

Error on "pip install --upgrade distribute"

What keyword arguments does setuptools.setup() accept?