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nginx using wrong ssl certificate

nginx ssl-certificate sni

Testing if a URL requires SNI

ssl sni

Openssl TLS extension support configuration (Server Name Indication)

https openssl ssl sni

Does buildout/easy_install/setup_tools verify SSL certificates?

Does AWS NLB pass through SNI values when terminating TLS? (Routing via SNI)

Multiple SSL enabled sites in Azure Virtual Machine

Java support for Server Name Indication (SNI) in server role?

java sni

Any workaround to run SNI supported sites on windows xp and IE8

ssl sni

Java 8 https connection fails on some sites

urllib3 on python 2.7 SNI error on Google App Engine

HAProxy reverse proxy SNI wildcard

reverse-proxy haproxy sni

Programmatically add binding on IIS 8 with SNI option

.net iis iis-8 sni servermanager

Why doesn't libcurl set SNI for IPs?

libcurl sni

Apache SNI: multiple SSL certificates on one IP address

apache ssl sni

Extended server_name (SNI Extension) not sent with jdk1.8.0 but send with jdk1.7.0

java web-services ssl cxf sni

How to simulate non-SNI browsers (without SNI support)?

ssl client sni