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Multiple SSL enabled sites in Azure Virtual Machine

We are nearing the end of a lot of changes to make our application work in Azure and we want to use the Virtual Machines, not the typical roles way of deploying machines.

Getting to the end I started to make check lists of things I needed to do and I can't seem to find anything that documents using multiple SSLs on the same virtual machine. I have come across some posts on SNI but after reading up on SNI it does not support Windows XP. After researching our user base, 1/3 of our users access from a Windows XP machine which makes SNI useless.

Am I missing something as this seems like a massive oversight in architecture if a VM cannot support multiple SSL certificates?

Does anyone have anything working inside Azure which supports multiple SSLs on the one VIP address?

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Chris Lomax Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 20:11

Chris Lomax

1 Answers

I agree with Robert.

I'm a Microsoft Technical Evangelist and I recently helped one of my partners to implement a SNI automation solution for Cloud Services (detailed explanation and sample "plug & play" source-code at http://www.vic.ms/microsoft/windows-azure/multiples-ssl-certificates-on-windows-azure-cloud-services/).

Although many statistics indicate that Internet Explorer running on Windows XP is relevant, in reality it may be not for your audience.

For instance, if you want to use SSL because you run an e-commerce website, I'm positive your audience (people that have a credit card and are willing to use it on internet purchases) are probably not using Windows XP anymore. At least, that is the case of dozens of e-commerce partners I have in Brazil...

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Vitor Ciaramella Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 11:12

Vitor Ciaramella