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running InstallUtil {app}/file.exe in inno setup

I want to copy service files to {app} directory and then use this as a parameter in InstallUtil.exe.

Here's some part of my code :

Source: WCFService.exe; DestDir: {app}
Source: WCFService.exe.config; DestDir: {app}

Filename: {dotnet40}\InstallUtil.exe; Parameters: {app}\WCFService.exe

This code doesn't work (but the files are copied into {app} directory correctly). However, if I use something like this :

Source: WCFService.exe; DestDir: {src}
Source: WCFService.exe.config; DestDir: {src}

Filename: {dotnet40}\InstallUtil.exe; Parameters: WCFService.exe

it works correctly. Does anyone know what's going on? I have to use inno setup.

like image 786
Jakub Siuda Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 14:02

Jakub Siuda

1 Answers

In this case you could try to set WorkingDir parameter to {app} in the [Run] section. Like this:

Filename: "{dotnet40}\InstallUtil.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Parameters: "WCFService.exe"
like image 194
RobeN Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 00:02
