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New posts in app-config

In VB.net, how do I save changes to app.config

Does web.config override any app.configs?

Add App Config To Windows Form app

.net winforms app-config

How to configure Microsoft Enterprise Library Logging Application Block to handle any logging category?

What are the available runtime settings for app.config files in .NET?

.net app-config

Connection String for SQL Server 2008 (version 10.0.1600) in Application Configuration File

Custom Config Section Property is not a configuration element

c# app-config

WPF: Changing config file user settings at runtime?

c# wpf app-config

What is the difference between an "Application Configuration File" & "Settings File" in C#?

Custom App.config section causing configuration load error

c# .net app-config

How can i update app.config connectionstring Datasource value in C#?

Using Entity Framework app.config how to switch between environments Dev, Stage and Production

Is there possibility to create *.config file from scratch programatically in .NET (C#)?

c# .net app-config

Dependency Injection not working for IConfiguration C#.Net Core

Binding ASP.Net Web.Config Settings To .ASPX File <a href></a>?

Can't read keys from App.config

How to load the App.config file?

c# .net app-config

Setting SendTimeout in my WCF app.config

C#: manage Multiple App.config files

c# configuration app-config

storing hierarchical application settings in web.config or app.config