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New posts in enterprise-library

Upgrade to Enterprise Library 6.0 giving issues with 'EnterpriseLibraryContainer'

c# enterprise-library

Use of undefined keyword value 0x1 for event ApplicationStarted. in EnterpriseLibrary SLAB

Custom Trace Listener with the Enterprise Application Blocks

What do you do if your error logging fails, and how do you test that its working in production?

ERP Framework to use in development? [closed]

Formatting logging for SystemDiagnosticsTraceListenerData listener of Logging Application Block

Why would I want to replace an exception?

Enable/Disable Enterprise Library logging on production

How to configure Microsoft Enterprise Library Logging Application Block to handle any logging category?

ASP.NET Dependency Injection HTTP Module (MS Enterprise Library)

How do I get Debug.WriteLine to write to the output window in Release mode?

The future of Microsoft Enterprise Library


A Cause for HRESULT 0X80131468 when accessing IsolatedStorageBackingStore

How can I learn Enterprise Library 4.0?

.NET: Logging entry / exit without AOP?

How to close connection of Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.ExecuteNonQuery

Return identity of last inserted row from stored procedure

Microsoft Enterprise Library Caching Application Block not thread safe?

Enterprise library logging + dynamic connection string

c# .net enterprise-library

Logging to files or to event viewer?