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New posts in windows-10-universal

How to pass default credentials in Windows Authentication

How to discover unpaired Bluetooth devices in a Windows 10 tablet application without using the settings app

File Not Found Exception in Universal Windows Platform

Install 2 versions of same Windows 10 Universal App in the same OS instance

UWP app can't fully launch another UWP app?

Activator.CreateInstance(type) Throws Exception

Whats the difference in using Functions in x:Bind and a IValueConverter?

UWP: Get current CultureInfo

How can I make the first item in a xaml ListView different?

SVG images shown blacked out in UWP application

UWP StorageFolder access to the Downloads folder

How to load pages inside split view content's frame passing parameters on UWP?

UWP Windows-10 WACK tests Errors

Converting String Type To Windows.UI.Color In Windows Universal App

Visual Studio Pro 2015: Error DEP6100

How can I hide a listviews Vertrical Scroll bar on UWP?

How to add custom icons in NavigationViewMenuItems in UWP

How to access registry key in a UWP app?

UWP - Get path to user download folder

c# uwp windows-10-universal

How to prevent TextBlock from getting automatic focus