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New posts in bluetooth

Connecting multiple devices to bluetooth in Android

Printing UTF-8 characters on bluetooth printer

Can CoreBluetooth framework pair and talk to a slave bluetooth 2.0 serial module?

Getting the address and names of all available bluetooth devices in android

android bluetooth

Simulate iBeacon with macOS

How to calculate the distance to a beacon based on tx, rssi and accuracy

How to discover unpaired Bluetooth devices in a Windows 10 tablet application without using the settings app

Getting a list of bluetooth devices in a C# .NET framework

c# .net bluetooth

Huawei Bluetooth behaviour in background scanning

Is it possible use RFCOMM in iOS?

Android Printing App for Zebra RW420 printer

bluetooth low energy advertising packet and topology

Streaming video over WiFi and Bluetooth on iOS

Registering a sdp service with bluez on Fedora 20

linux bluetooth fedora bluez


android bluetooth

getbondeddevices() not returning paired bluetooth devices

android bluetooth

Android BLE: Convert ScanResult timestampNanos to System nanoTime

How do you get the actual name of a bluetooth low energy device?

Connecting to a Bluetooth smart/LE weight scale with bluez/bluetoothctl/gatttool

How to use BLE OBDII Peripheral