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Porting a C++ Program to Rust: Of reinterpret_cast, Structs and Bluetooth

c++11 struct rust bluez

Registering a sdp service with bluez on Fedora 20

linux bluetooth fedora bluez

Connecting to a Bluetooth smart/LE weight scale with bluez/bluetoothctl/gatttool

BlueZ showing old cached data on DBUS

dbus bluez

Bluetooth LE on Raspbian

bluez and service/characteristics cache issue with Android

BlueZ 5.4 DBus API ConnectProfile GATT service UUID

Compile code using bluez gatt api

How to send Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Notification with Bluez?

Raspberry-pi as connectable beacon

How to retrieve advertising payload from iBeacon / BLE

BlueZ/Pybluez - Bluetooth LE scan while connected to peripheral

GATTTool fails to read/write characteristics

Creating a Gatt Server?

Bluez Profile Registration

python bluez

How can I connect to the FitBit Zip over Bluetooth 4.0 LE on Linux with bluez?