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New posts in core-bluetooth

Can CoreBluetooth framework pair and talk to a slave bluetooth 2.0 serial module?

Is it possible use RFCOMM in iOS?

bluetooth low energy advertising packet and topology

CBPeripheralManager connection callback

ios core-bluetooth

How should I connect multiple BLE peripherals to an iOS device?

How to use BLE OBDII Peripheral

Can a single BLE central connect with multiple BLE peripherals via bluetooth low energy?

CBPeripheral connection keep disconnecting after calling discoverServices

scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options: and CBCentralManagerScanOptionSolicitedServiceUUIDsKey

Reconnection procedure in iOS BLE application

CoreBluetooth: Can you connect to a peripheral device that is not advertising

How do I remove paired Bluetooth devices on iOS?

CBPeripheral, Get Local Peripheral Identifier

CoreBluetooth:Disconnect peripheral Connection from application

macOS CBCentralManager state unsupported

Does CBCentralManager connect ever time out?

ios core-bluetooth btle