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New posts in cbperipheral

Can a single BLE central connect with multiple BLE peripherals via bluetooth low energy?

CBPeripheral, Get Local Peripheral Identifier

How to improve performance of CBCentralManager while CBPeripheralManager is active

CBPeripheral advertisementData is different when discovering peripherals on OSX vs iOS (GAP/GATT)

iOS CBPeripheral Services not Being Updated

BLE Notification when the application is not running

Monitor CBPeripheral state changes

Peripheral not connecting - Swift

CoreBluetooth: Refreshing local name of an already discovered Peripheral

CoreBluetooth: How to design code for many characteristics (30 - 40)?

How To Store a CBPeripheral For Use in Other Views

Can I make my Mac as a Bluetooth Peripheral?

iOS6: CBPeripheral is being dealloc'ed while connecting


CoreBluetooth pairing feedback / callback