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Can CoreBluetooth framework pair and talk to a slave bluetooth 2.0 serial module?

I would like to write an app for iPhone 4s that can talk to a slave bluetooth 2.0 serial module such as the HC-06, BC417, or EGBT-046S. Is this possible? Can anyone provide some sample code?

like image 910
KenM Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 11:03


1 Answers

No, CoreBluetooth is for Bluetooth Low Energy. The External Accessory Framework can be used for Classic Bluetooth connection. But to be able to open on a serial link from the iPhone, you need a peripheral that complies with the Made For iPhone (MFi) program, and you need to be an MFi member to be able to buy one. Look at this question for more info: What's needed to use the Apple Accessory Protocol?

like image 66
allprog Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 00:03
