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New posts in ios5

local notification in IOS5 - how to make it pop on the screen and not in the notification center?

Storyboard apps also run on pre-iOS 5 devices?

Using shouldChangeCharactersInRange to limit characters entered, but cannot detect return

ios ios5

prevent window from dragging in ios5 mobile browser

Align table cells to bottom in IOS5

AU Preset (.aupreset) resource path issue in iOS LoadPresetDemo sample code

xcode ios5 core-audio

UIPageViewController and landscape

How do you perform a customized segue (modal segue) from a UIButton in storyboard

Asynchronous network operations in iOS 5

Drawing rounded rect in core graphics

Xcode 4.3 add action for keyboard return key [closed]

Did the format of the Device Token provided by APNs suddenly changed in my app?

After upgrading Xcode to 4.5, Restkit 10.0 project not compiling for iOS 5.1 device

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Open Settings Programmatically iOS 6

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Twitter integration issue with ACAccountStore (iOS 5)

UIView animation ignores duration

how to make #key and @key clickable in IOS7

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dismiss viewController by using presentingViewController

ios iphone ios5

Customize NavigationBar in iOS 5

Always seeing Mirror image while capturing from Front Camera iOS 5.0

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