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New posts in uilocalnotification

iOS UiLocalNotification formatting

ios uilocalnotification

Schedule a local notification for a specific time in Swift 2

local notification in IOS5 - how to make it pop on the screen and not in the notification center?

Find UILocalNotification in scheduledLocalNotifications array without for loop?

ios uilocalnotification

Schedule local Notification after app was closed for 7 days

Local notifications are not working on device but working on simulator

IOS 5 Local Notifications While in Foreground, is there a way

Number of scheduled UILocalNotification

Is it possible to force the device's date to test local notifications?

Swift - Local Notification doesn't get triggered

How to remove the cancel ApplicationIconBadgeNumber from LocalNotification?

How to launch view controller from alarm notification action in iOS?

Adding 30 seconds to NSDate [duplicate]

Home button press , Which AppDelegate method should i use for scheduling a local notification

Detect next UILocalNotification that will fire

iOS Custom buttons not showing for interactive notification

Why doesn't my UILocalNotification play any sound?

Schedule UILocalNotification everyday at specific time

How to grab the NEXT fire date from a UILocalNotification object

UILocalNotification not working