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New posts in uistoryboardsegue

Slow iOS Share Extension

How do you perform a customized segue (modal segue) from a UIButton in storyboard

How to determine which button was pressed out of three buttons

Using shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier( ) method in Swift

Can't embed in navigation controller if I am passing data with prepareForSegue

Difference between push and modal segues

Storyboard pass data from view controller to tab bar with segue

prepareForSegue not called in embedded segue

Can't find segues without identifiers

Redirect a View with Push Notification in AppDelegate

Two UISplitViewControllers, 1 (Shared) Detail View

Creating a UIView subclass that can trigger segues

Source view controller hides during custom segue

Replace-root-view-controller custom segue with animation?

XCode Storyboard: how to create a segue when the segue trigger is not on storyboard

One UIButton two scenes only one segue, conditional code needed

How can I use an Embed Segue in iOS 5?