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How to get application installation time in iPhone

Storyboard returns nil need some quick advise how to instantiate

Is targeting Kindle app on ipad possible with css media queries?

NSKeyedUnarchiver incomprehensible archive

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UIPopoverController backgroundColor back to default after rotation on iOS 8

setPopoverContentSize: not working consistently on iOS 8, with xCode 6

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App is universal, but AppIcon in asset manager does not have space for iPad icons

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Size of cached objects by SDWebImage

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Xcode Simulator For iPad app displays zoomed in like and iPhone app

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XCode 8: how to adapt iphone app for iPAD

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Xcode UI Testing Failure - Computed invalid hit point

Swift 3: How to get language code from a country code?

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Run Playground created in Xcode on iPad

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iPad only media queries for safari in landscape

Using PDF in iPad

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Unknown and unreproducible crash causes App Store rejection

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Convert iPad application to iPhone application?

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Effective way to design and manage iPhone application similar to settings

Loading custom UIView in UIViewController's main view

Confusing about create an app which has version for both iphone and iPad

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