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Swift 3.0 how to use startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: withHandler)?

XCode 8: how to adapt iphone app for iPAD

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Travis fails to launch simulator on xcode8

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Xcode UI Testing Failure - Computed invalid hit point

What is malloc: recording malloc (but not VM allocation) stacks using lite mode

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How do i add dashed polyline in swift 4?

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watchOS 3.0 detect crown rotation in SpriteKit

SpriteKit, XCode 8, Swift 3 MGGetBoolAnswer is not available in the simulator

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resolve Ambiguous use of appendingPathComponent error

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Xcode 8 : The request to open bundle-id failed. SpringBoard was unable to service the request

Is there still a ~64 local notification limit for the new UserNotifications in iOS 10?

how to squelch "result not used" warnings

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Can't add dynamic frameworks to Command Line Tool

Xcode 8.1 stuck while trying to launch the app

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CNContactViewController navigation bar different between versions

How to pre load database in core data using swift 3 xcode 8

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Unrecognized selector sent to instance Swift 3

Unable to create Podfile because 'plist file at path doesn't exist'

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Xcode 8 logs out my developer account saying "session has expired"

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