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New posts in travis-ci

Travis CI, pip, and pygame

Testing against multiple node module versions

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When will travis-ci support ghc 7.10?

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Prevent Travis deploying multiple times when I'm running my tests on multiple Node versions?


travis+composer repeatedly failing when loading Symfony 2.8.3

How to setup Travis CI for a Django project hosted on Heroku?

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Travis fails to launch simulator on xcode8

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Travis CI deploy: invalid option "--secret_access_key="

Running tests with API authentication in Travis CI without exposing API passwords

Is there a limitation on the log lines in a travis build?

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What do the symbols *1 or &2 mean in Travis CI deployment scripts?


Travis CI build failing because my project is one level down from the git repository directory

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Travis with firebase hosting and create-react-app: can't find public directory

How to read file from my repo with Fastlane?

RStudio and Travis CI build check do NOT match (libudunits2.so)

Travis stages for multiple OS


How can I build Visual Studio 2019 projects on Travis CI?

Travis Ci jdk_switcher to custom java installation

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Install Latest Version of Firefox on Travis And Run with Protractor

Run coverage on tests directory via Travis-CI