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Mock a class with tedious __init__

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Mark test as skipped from pytest_collection_modifyitems

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Django channels 2, accessing db in tests

Can I create a pytest.fixture that returns combinations of arguments?

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Pytest use django_db with rest framework

What is pytest result mean?

Is there a pytest method similar to in assertIsNone(x) of unittest

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pytest: Best way to add test description (Long test name) in the report with out renaming the files or functions

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How to mock third party static method

How to pass a parameter to a pytest fixture?

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py.test use monkeypatch in custom funcargs

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How to test an infinite while loop with pytest

Call the same fixture multiple time in py.test

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Check if expection is raised with pytest [duplicate]

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Python tox and py.test: how to run just a single test rather than the whole test suite

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Why can't pytest find the 'client' fixture when testing a Flask app?

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pytest-mock: Mock an abstract class

python python-3.x pytest

Django channels pytest testing. django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured. .

pytest - How to make it search recursively?

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How to suppress third party logs in pytest

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