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New posts in watchkit

iOS - WatchKit how to send message/data from iPhone app to WatchKit app?

Core Data - Disable loading from cache

watchOS 2 compatible iOS

ios watchkit

Set WKInterfacePicker color (text or outline)

ios swift watchkit

How to add cornerRadius to SwiftUI List Cell when using .listRowBackground in watchOS?

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Modal Segue in WatchKit not calling contextForSegueWithIdentifier

ios watchkit

Sharing classes between existing iPhone project and Watch Kit extension

ios iphone xcode linker watchkit

WKInterfaceMap Unknown Location

watchkit apple-watch

What is the equivalent of UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate in WatchKit?

watchOS 3.0 detect crown rotation in SpriteKit

WatchKit Interface controller scrolls too much after adding next page segue

Sharing data in the documents directory in iPhone and Watch app

ios watchkit

How to prevent a WKInterfaceController from scrolling?

ios swift watchkit

WKInterfaceTable how to identify button in each of the row?

is there anyway to keep my WatchKit app running in the background?

ios swift watchkit core-motion

WatchKit_Extension.InterfaceController does not implement delegate method

How can I reference a Swift class in my WatchKit extension from the core iOS code?

ios objective-c swift watchkit

Which resolution of images to use for watch kit?

watchkit xcasset

How do I exactly use MMWormhole with Swift?

Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_WKInterfaceController error after updating Xcode to version 11.1

ios objective-c xcode watchkit