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New posts in uiapplicationdelegate

HKObserverQuery randomly called twice in a row

What is the equivalent of UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate in WatchKit?

Keep a UIView or UIViewController on top of all others

How to handle UIApplicationDelegate methods in an UIViewController?

locationManager(_:​did​Change​Authorization:​) executes when app first runs?

Unable to reset brightness on application exit iOS

UIApplicationBackgroundRefreshStatusDidChangeNotification usage without corresponding delegate method

Is it good practice to use AppDelegate for data manipulation and Handling?

AppDelegate class not found

Delegate Property for UIApplication

How do you dismiss a UIActionSheet from the App Delegate?

iOS: how to detect when the UIApplicationDelegate state becomes "suspended"?

When is ios auto screen capture taken?

FBRequestDelegate only works on AppDelegate?

Why not subclass UIApplication? Why use a delegate?

Application openURL gets called a few seconds after didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

applicationWillTerminate: not being called

applicationDidBecomeActive getting called twice