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New posts in multitasking

How to run X tasks on Y threads in Java?

iOS MPMoviePlayerController playing audio in background

perl multiple tasks problem

Micrium uC-OS/II on Dynamic C/Rabbit - might have task starvation

Best multi-thread approach for multiple web requests

UIApplicationBackgroundRefreshStatusDidChangeNotification usage without corresponding delegate method

How can preemptive multitasking work, when OS is just one of the processes?

Execute code when app reopens

How preemption is handled in single core systems?

Quit app when pressing home

How to refresh UITableView after app comes becomes active again?

Multitasking in iPhone 4,"application does not run in back ground" option in Xcode 3.2 info.plist

Best way to distribute tasks considering latency and efficiency

iOS - Concurrent access to memory resources

How to resume a CAAnimation after coming back from multitasking

The exact moment iOS takes the view snapshot when entering background?

Python: Executing multiple functions simultaneously