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New posts in info.plist

How to populate different Info.plists for different configurations in Xcode

Xcode falsely claims CFBundleExecutable to be (null)

iphone adhoc info.plist

Can't get a translucent status bar in iOS

ios info.plist

Unable to validate your application. the package does not contain an info.plist

Reading info.plist: inferred to have type AnyObject which may be unexpected

ios swift casting info.plist

One different key between multiple Info.plist files per scheme?

Multitasking in iPhone 4,"application does not run in back ground" option in Xcode 3.2 info.plist

How to specify the path of localized Info.plist file

overriding Mac app file associations via CFBundleDocumentTypes in info.plist

NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription supplied in info.plist but apple still asks for one

ios privacy info.plist

AppStore language description and "Localization native development region"

NSAppTransportSecurity for Exception of 2 domains

Can I programmatically flip Info.plist values while my application is running?

How to add app explanation for location service in settings

iOS app validation error: Missing plist key CFBundleShortVersionString

Unable to set custom font for the UILabel in XCode

Custom environment variable in XCode 4 - ${CUSTOM_VAR}

Different app-name depending on configuration when app-name is localized in InfoPlist.strings

Required Background modes key is not there in info-plist file