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CFBundleDocumentTypes & UIFileSharingEnabled issues

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Bluetooth protocol names for UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols

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What's best practice when it comes to Info.plist Variables in iOS development?

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On MacOS Can I add a default setting as part of my Info.plist file for my Java application

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The info.plist in the package must contain the CFBundleVersion key

MacOS: Version info for not bundled/unix executables

What's the difference between "Info.plist" on my navigator panel and the "Custom iOS Target Properties"?

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How to redirect from iOS app notifications settings to app notification settings

Enable Allow arbitrary Loads of App Transport Security Setting not working in XCODE 9.2 and iOS 11.2

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Specify device family in Info.plist

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Xcode 4. Why Can't My Renamed Project Find It's Info.plist File?

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iOS - comparing app versions

CFBundleLocalizations info.plist - How to put multiple languages

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