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New posts in string-comparison

StringComparison, why "TH" not start with "T"

Detecting string similarity using Levenshtein distance (is SLOW)

c# .net sql string-comparison

Sort an array of software versions in descending order

How to compare an array of strings in Javascript?

if statement with 'or' operator gives different results when conditions are swapped

Unicode characters causing issues in SQL Server 2005 string comparison

How do I perform an encoding-independent string-comparison in Java?

Compare Strings as if they were numbers

Issue with string comparison in PHP

php string-comparison

Match strings stored in variables using PowerShell

Python "in" Comparison of Strings of Different Word Length

Python: Match two elements in a tuple, return the 3rd

Is there a shortcut for StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase?

Word by word diff comparison of two strings in .NET

Double-byte string comparison in C#

How to do advanced string comparison in Ruby?

Checking if command response does not contain str

bash string-comparison

Java: Most efficient way to check if a String is in a wordlist

java string-comparison

StrLComp vs AnsiStrLComp when called with Unicode strings

Find the match percentage between two strings in php?