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New posts in collation

Can mysql charset for table and column be different?

mysql view schema collation

Microsoft SQL Server Like keyword

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Howto resolve "Illegal mix of collations" SQLException?

java mysql jdbc collation

Why did TSQL treat "sofia" as being the same as "sofia"? What string encoding is this?

Postgresql COPY encoding, how to?

postgresql collation

#1271 - Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION' in like query

mysql union collation sql-like

How to sort a collection of UTF-8 strings containing non-Latin chars in Laravel 5.3?

Unicode characters causing issues in SQL Server 2005 string comparison

SQL LIKE Operator doesn't work with Asian Languages (SQL Server 2008)

Azure - Sort order of List operation on blob container

How to use AES_ENCRYPT properly?

mysql security aes collation

Understand Unicode and code pages in SQL Server collations

How can I resolve my collation conflict in a better way?

sql sql-server tsql collation

Latin characters in phpMyAdmin with UTF-8 collation

Multilingual text sorting in Perl, on Windows, using locale

Illegal mix of collations error in mysql query

mysql sql collation

Does ICU handle the collation of a list of strings of varying languages?

sort array with special characters in php

php sorting collation

Which index should I use on binary datatype column mysql