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New posts in nvarchar

SQL LIKE Operator doesn't work with Asian Languages (SQL Server 2008)

How do I force nvarchar input width in SQL Server?

Does `sp_executesql` really accepts the `nvarchar(max)` argument?

MaxLength and how it affects queries

SQL Inserting multilingual data - loses diacritic marks etc

Weird SQL Server 2005 Collation difference between varchar() and nvarchar()

Oracle, utf-8, NVARCHAR2, and a lot of confusion

oracle spring utf-8 nvarchar

What is the biggest data type to use as a local variable in a stored procedure? [closed]

Is there a reason why I shouldn't use NVARCHAR in Sql Server?

Retrieving Arabic text from MSSQL NVarchar column

How to decode nvarchar to text (SQL Server 2008 R2)?

Converting nvarchar(4000) to nvarchar(max)

T-SQL: How to obtain the exact length of a string in characters?

tsql string varchar nvarchar

Inserting national characters into an oracle NCHAR or NVARCHAR column does not work

Using indexes with NVarchar(50) vs. NVarchar(255) column?

FluentNHibernate and VARCHAR Columns

Inserting special characters (greater/less than or equal symbol) into SQL Server database

sql-server unicode nvarchar

Determine varchar content in nvarchar columns

The data types ntext and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator

c# asp.net sql nvarchar ntext

Difference between NVARCHAR in Oracle and SQL Server?