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How to union from two different collections in Mongodb?

mongodb union

Good way to combine two List<T>s in .NET 2.0?

.net-2.0 list union

LINQ to Objects .Distinct() not pulling distinct objects

linq union distinct

xml simple type with enumeration and union

xml types xsd union enumeration

SPARQL query: using VALUES inline data or UNION with bigdata store

sparql union rdf blazegraph

I'd like to use union as C# with byte array

c# union packets

#1271 - Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION' in like query

mysql union collation sql-like

SQL join arbitrary information to form a mixed list

sql postgresql join union

How do I combine two queries on the same table to get a single result set in MySQL

mysql sql join union

Union all error must have equal number of expressions

sql-server tsql union

Combining 2 complex queries in SQL Server

sql sql-server select union


mysql union

How do I select one parent row and additional rows for its children without a UNION?

SQL Query: Order by in UNION

sql sql-order-by union

Using union multiple times with distinct on top of the final results

sql sql-server distinct union

mySQL query: How to insert with UNION?

select mysql union

Oracle: How do I grab a default value when a more specific value is null from within the same query?

Way to try multiple SELECTs till a result is available?

What is the difference between group by, distinct, Union for selecting distinct values for multiple columns?

sql group-by union distinct

Using SQL JOIN and UNION together