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Functions to manipulate RDF collections in SPARQL

rdf sparql

&...; in RDF/XML — is this a standard RDF prefix expression?

xml rdf wordnet rdfs

How to extract nodes that occur as both subject and object in a graph?

rdf sparql

The DELETE/INSERT operation can be used to remove triples containing blank nodes: how?

JSON to JSON LD with minimal changes to the original JSON (all changes in JSON-LD context)

json rdf json-ld

Recommended rdf usage in Ruby on Rails

ruby-on-rails ruby rdf

SPARQL query: using VALUES inline data or UNION with bigdata store

sparql union rdf blazegraph

Semantic Web - Store app data directly in RDF or store in SQL and export/import later

Alternatives to SPARQL query with lots of UNIONs

SPARQL regular expression not match

regex rdf sparql linkedmdb

query a fuseki server using python (or something)

sparql rdf fuseki

Are RDF and RDFS two separate documents?

rdf rdfs

How to state "Pat knows Mike's telephone number" in RDF/ OWL

rdf semantic-web owl

Why isn't a ShEx constant matching the same term in the data?

rdf semantic-web shex

How to import data in relational database to RDF?

Using the HAL vocab with JSON-LD

How to get to a particular page in dbpedia using sparql query?

Difference between rdf:seeAlso and rdfs:seeAlso

Querying Open Data Communities Data with SPARQL

rdf sparql n-triples

Do URIs used in RDF need to be dereferenceable in Jena?