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JSON to JSON LD with minimal changes to the original JSON (all changes in JSON-LD context)

json rdf json-ld

Schema SiteNavigationElement as JSON-LD Structured Data

Will Google accept combined JSON-LD and HTML meta/microdata?

Structured Data > Microdata & Json-LD > Entity IDs > Fragment Identifier

Using the HAL vocab with JSON-LD

JSON parsing in javascript for json-ld

javascript json json-ld

Jest cannot find module from node_modules

HATEOAS and forms driven by the API

Gmail Markup with Mandrill

Schema.org is ProfessionalService deprecated?

Mixing JSON-LD CollectionPage and Microdata `hasPart` of Schema.org

JSON-LD framing with optional properties?

rdf embedding json-ld

Controlling conversion of RDF to "prettier" JSON-LD

rdf json-ld blank-nodes

Json-ld script tag for angularjs2

angular json-ld

Creating an array of products in JSON-LD

seo json-ld structured-data

Dynamic values in inline JSON-LD script block

dynamic json-ld

Adding JSON-LD with JavaScript

javascript json-ld

JSON-LD Schema.org: Multiple video/image page

web seo schema.org json-ld

Should you Combine Swagger with HATEOAS/HAL/JSON-LD?