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Marking up HTML code with microdata when there are multiple products on a page

microdata schema.org

Schema.org itemscope in body?

microdata schema.org

Insert price currency microdata (schema.org) into a html table

Will Google accept combined JSON-LD and HTML meta/microdata?

Structured Data > Microdata & Json-LD > Entity IDs > Fragment Identifier

The correct approach to markup "keywords" of a blog post by using HTML5 and Microdata?

Product size: width, height and depth

html microdata schema.org

SVG images in AMP article Microdata?

Does anyone know why Google recommends Microdata over Microformats and RDFa?

microdata microformats rdfa

Using schema.org branchOf with itemref

microdata schema.org

Mixing JSON-LD CollectionPage and Microdata `hasPart` of Schema.org

Microdata vs. the data attribute in modular HTML5

jquery html microdata

How can I use schema.org to label a person (without repeating myself) as both a member of an organization and the author of a book?

html microdata schema.org

Schema.org WebPage - isPartOf?

html schema.org microdata

Show discount in Schema.org

RDFa, Microdata and Microformat.

"position" property required for ItemList with Product list items?

HTML5 Microdata - itemref to another itemscope (Person works for Organization)

html reference microdata