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New posts in google-rich-snippets

Will Google accept combined JSON-LD and HTML meta/microdata?

JSON-LD schema with GatsbyJS for rich snippets

SVG images in AMP article Microdata?

Does Google support Article Rich Snippets?

Breadcrumb with Schema.org not showing in Google Rich Snippets testing tool

schema.org microdata: Do as schema.org says, or as Google says?

Google Rich Snippets Not Working

Why does Google Testing Tool use the "id" attribute to generate a URL for the Microdata item?

Categories for Product in schema.org?

How can I add multiple reviews to a product snippet?

What is the priceRange parameter for Google Structured Data Reviews?

Google SDTT error: "The review has no reviewed item specified."

Incorrect value type "@context" in Google Rich Results Test

Schema.org siteNavigationElement

Breadcrumbs on current page

Schema.org AggregateRating markup when ratingValue is Empty

Error in Google SDTT: "All values provided for url must point to the same page."

Sitelinks Search Box JSON-LD giving error on Google Structured Data Testing Tool

"position" property required for ItemList with Product list items?