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New posts in schema.org

Marking up HTML code with microdata when there are multiple products on a page

microdata schema.org

DBpedia.org Ontology versus Schema.org Ontology

schema.org dbpedia

Schema.org itemscope in body?

microdata schema.org

schema.org and an online dictionary


Insert price currency microdata (schema.org) into a html table

Schema SiteNavigationElement as JSON-LD Structured Data

Will Google accept combined JSON-LD and HTML meta/microdata?

url vs sameAs (schema.org)

url schema.org

The correct approach to markup "keywords" of a blog post by using HTML5 and Microdata?

Product size: width, height and depth

html microdata schema.org

SVG images in AMP article Microdata?

Does Google support Article Rich Snippets?

MedicalClinic vs. Physician


Using schema.org branchOf with itemref

microdata schema.org

Schema.org Organization: address vs. location

street-address schema.org

Schema.org is ProfessionalService deprecated?

"position" property required for ItemList with Product list items?