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New posts in street-address

How to negate PO BOX - Regex

c# regex street-address

How to distinguish a NY "Queens-style" street address from a ranged address, and an address with a unit#

geocoding street-address

Weighted disjunction in Perl Regular Expressions?

Database normalization for Addresses

Magento : How to get countryID from selected / entered shipping address

Python .replace 'st' with 'street' but leave street name the same

Best Strategies for preventing addresses with PO Boxes?

How to send address in Android Application to Google Maps

How to calculate the distance between two addresses

Magento - Customer Address Country Dropdown Issue

What should I use to format an postal address in the format of the address country

Schema.org Organization: address vs. location

street-address schema.org

Most complete source of international address formats?


Extracting plus 4 zip code from geocoding using google API, jQuery

Get nearby street addresses within a radius

Ontology for Addresses

rdf ontology street-address

How to auto select the state from an option list when using address autofill

strategies for finding duplicate mailing addresses

Best Practice / Standard for storing an Address in a SQL Database

mysql street-address