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Computer Science taxonomy

How does statistical calculation of "similar products/music/..." from customer buying/listening behaviour work?

Check if two NSStrings are similar

Best way to identify dissimilarity: Euclidean Distance, Cosine Distance, or Simple Subtraction?

How many kinds of Distance Function can we use?

some questions on cosine similarity

Pairwise similarity matrix between a set of vectors in PyTorch

How can I find out if two strings are mostly equal (in perl)?

How to find relatedness in Wordnet using Python

python nltk similarity wordnet

SPARQL: how to find similar strings?

Percentage Similarity Analysis (Java)

java similarity

how to calculate the similarity of two users in facebook? [closed]

algorithm similarity

Clustering a huge number of URLs

What is the use of Brown Corpus in measuring Semantic Similarity based on WordNet

Algorithm for discrete similarity metric

tf idf similarity

java text similarity tf-idf

how to measure the cosine similarity between 2 images

How do you efficiently implement a document similarity search system?

Right approach to find similar products solely based on content and not on user history using machine learning algorithms