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New posts in levenshtein-distance

Levenshtein distance with bound/limit

Android & fuzzy matching, n-gram, and Levenshtein distance

Using Levenshtein function on each element in a tsvector?

How to modify Levenshtein algorithm, to know if it inserted, deleted, or substituted a character?

how to configure solr / lucene to perform levenshtein edit distance searching?

Faster C# (or other .NET) Levenshtein distance implementation

SPARQL: how to find similar strings?

Levenshtein distance with weight/penalty for adjacency

fast approximate string matching in a large array in ruby

How to get an edit-distance between two commits?

How to speed up itertools combinations?

PHP - Optimization - Levenshtein distance with prioritization

Algorithms for computing the distance between two strings

What is the most suitable string distance algorithm to use for comparing TV show titles?

String Matching using fuzzywuzzy- is it using Levenshtein distance or the Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern-matching algorithm?

Performing a fuzzy contains check