I am using the string-edit distance (Levenshtein-distance) to compare scan paths from an eye tracking experiment. (Right now I am using the stringdist
package in R)
Basically the letters of the strings refer to (gaze) position in a 6x4 matrix. The matrix is configured as follows:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 'a' 'g' 'm' 's'
[2,] 'b' 'h' 'n' 't'
[3,] 'c' 'i' 'o' 'u'
[4,] 'd' 'j' 'p' 'v'
[5,] 'e' 'k' 'q' 'w'
[6,] 'f' 'l' 'r' 'x'
If I use the basic Levenshtein distance to compare strings, the comparison of a
and g
in a string gives the same estimate as comparicon of a
and x
'abc' compared to 'agc' -> 1
'abc' compared to 'axc' -> 1
This means that the strings are equally (dis)similar
I would like to be able to put weights on the string comparison in a way that incorporates adjacency in the matrix. E.g. the distance between a
and x
should be weighted as larger then that between a
and g
One way could be to calculate the "walk" (horizontal and vertial steps) from one letter to the other in the matrix and divide by the max "walk"-distance (i.e. from a
to x
). E.g. the "walk"-distance from a
to g
would be 1 and from a
to x
it would be 8 resulting in a weight of 1/8 and 1 respectively.
Is there a way to implement this (in either R or python)?
You need a version of the Wagner-Fisher algorithm that uses non-unit cost in its inner loop. I.e. where the usual algorithm has +1
, use +del_cost(a[i])
, etc. and define del_cost
, ins_cost
and sub_cost
as functions taking one or two symbols (probably just table lookups).
If anyone has got the same "problem", here is my solution. I made an add-on to the python implementation of the Wagner-Fischer algorithm written by Kyle Gorman.
The add-on is the weight function and implementation of it in the _dist function.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# wagnerfischer.py: Dynamic programming Levensthein distance function
# Kyle Gorman <gormanky@ohsu.edu>
# Based on:
# Robert A. Wagner and Michael J. Fischer (1974). The string-to-string
# correction problem. Journal of the ACM 21(1):168-173.
# The thresholding function was inspired by BSD-licensed code from
# Babushka, a Ruby tool by Ben Hoskings and others.
# Unlike many other Levenshtein distance functions out there, this works
# on arbitrary comparable Python objects, not just strings.
try: # use numpy arrays if possible...
from numpy import zeros
def _zeros(*shape):
""" like this syntax better...a la MATLAB """
return zeros(shape)
except ImportError: # otherwise do this cute solution
def _zeros(*shape):
if len(shape) == 0:
return 0
car = shape[0]
cdr = shape[1:]
return [_zeros(*cdr) for i in range(car)]
def weight(A,B, weights):
if weights == True:
from numpy import matrix
from numpy import where
# cost_weight defines the matrix structure of the AOI-placement
cost_weight = matrix([["a","b","c","d","e","f"],["g","h","i","j","k","l"],
max_walk = 8.00 # defined as the maximum posible distance between letters in
# the cost_weight matrix
indexA = where(cost_weight==A)
indexB = where(cost_weight==B)
walk = abs(indexA[0][0]-indexB[0][0])+abs(indexA[1][0]-indexB[1][0])
w = walk/max_walk
return w
return 1
def _dist(A, B, insertion, deletion, substitution, weights=True):
D = _zeros(len(A) + 1, len(B) + 1)
for i in xrange(len(A)):
D[i + 1][0] = D[i][0] + deletion * weight(A[i],B[0], weights)
for j in xrange(len(B)):
D[0][j + 1] = D[0][j] + insertion * weight(A[0],B[j], weights)
for i in xrange(len(A)): # fill out middle of matrix
for j in xrange(len(B)):
if A[i] == B[j]:
D[i + 1][j + 1] = D[i][j] # aka, it's free.
D[i + 1][j + 1] = min(D[i + 1][j] + insertion * weight(A[i],B[j], weights),
D[i][j + 1] + deletion * weight(A[i],B[j], weights),
D[i][j] + substitution * weight(A[i],B[j], weights))
return D
def _dist_thresh(A, B, thresh, insertion, deletion, substitution):
D = _zeros(len(A) + 1, len(B) + 1)
for i in xrange(len(A)):
D[i + 1][0] = D[i][0] + deletion
for j in xrange(len(B)):
D[0][j + 1] = D[0][j] + insertion
for i in xrange(len(A)): # fill out middle of matrix
for j in xrange(len(B)):
if A[i] == B[j]:
D[i + 1][j + 1] = D[i][j] # aka, it's free.
D[i + 1][j + 1] = min(D[i + 1][j] + insertion,
D[i][j + 1] + deletion,
D[i][j] + substitution)
if min(D[i + 1]) >= thresh:
return D
def _levenshtein(A, B, insertion, deletion, substitution):
return _dist(A, B, insertion, deletion, substitution)[len(A)][len(B)]
def _levenshtein_ids(A, B, insertion, deletion, substitution):
Perform a backtrace to determine the optimal path. This was hard.
D = _dist(A, B, insertion, deletion, substitution)
i = len(A)
j = len(B)
ins_c = 0
del_c = 0
sub_c = 0
while True:
if i > 0:
if j > 0:
if D[i - 1][j] <= D[i][j - 1]: # if ins < del
if D[i - 1][j] < D[i - 1][j - 1]: # if ins < m/s
ins_c += 1
if D[i][j] != D[i - 1][j - 1]: # if not m
sub_c += 1
j -= 1
i -= 1
if D[i][j - 1] <= D[i - 1][j - 1]: # if del < m/s
del_c += 1
if D[i][j] != D[i - 1][j - 1]: # if not m
sub_c += 1
i -= 1
j -= 1
else: # only insert
ins_c += 1
i -= 1
elif j > 0: # only delete
del_c += 1
j -= 1
return (ins_c, del_c, sub_c)
def _levenshtein_thresh(A, B, thresh, insertion, deletion, substitution):
D = _dist_thresh(A, B, thresh, insertion, deletion, substitution)
if D != None:
return D[len(A)][len(B)]
def levenshtein(A, B, thresh=None, insertion=1, deletion=1, substitution=1):
Compute levenshtein distance between iterables A and B
# basic checks
if len(A) == len(B) and A == B:
return 0
if len(B) > len(A):
(A, B) = (B, A)
if len(A) == 0:
return len(B)
if thresh:
if len(A) - len(B) > thresh:
return _levenshtein_thresh(A, B, thresh, insertion, deletion,
return _levenshtein(A, B, insertion, deletion, substitution)
def levenshtein_ids(A, B, insertion=1, deletion=1, substitution=1):
Compute number of insertions deletions, and substitutions for an
optimal alignment.
There may be more than one, in which case we disfavor substitution.
# basic checks
if len(A) == len(B) and A == B:
return (0, 0, 0)
if len(B) > len(A):
(A, B) = (B, A)
if len(A) == 0:
return len(B)
return _levenshtein_ids(A, B, insertion, deletion, substitution)
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