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Fatal error: Call to a member function setColumn() on a non-object in Magento

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Magento 1.7 - filter on date part of a timestamp column in grid

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Magento Custom Sort Option

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Magento : Category Name instead of category ids in category path.

IF current url equals Onepage Checkout hide element ELSE show element - Magento

Get information about customer by email id in magento

magento admin panel, how can i fix "Access denied"

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How to change search result page from 3 to 1 columns in magento?

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Magento 1.7*: How do I add "Logout"-link in the sidebar, of my-account-page

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How do I get the category ids that a product is in with respect to the store that I'm currently on

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How to get Response of REST API in JSON format by Default in Magento

How to get Category name in Magento?

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how to disable an option already selected in another <select>?

magento Get Base Url , Skin Url , Media Url , Js Url , Store Url and Current Url for secure

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Magento, filter collection by date period and include null values

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Magento 1.7 - remove index.php from url

magento magento-1.7