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Get nearby street addresses within a radius

I would like to retrieve a list of all the street addresses within a small range on a geopoint.

A scenario for use is for a user to select his/her current address from a list of addresses (within say 50 meters) of current location, since location retrieval is not going to be accurate enough.

I am wondering if that is possible using Google maps API? Otherwise does anyone knows an alternative API that I can use for this purpose?

From what I've seen, although the Google maps reverse geocoding service returns a number of "addresses" for a geopoint they are usually just different representations of the address, rather than addresses near location.

I've seen some similar questions on SO but none had the answers I am looking for.

like image 776
7usam Avatar asked Jan 25 '13 00:01


1 Answers

I was able to get the kind of results I was looking for using a combination of APIs.

First I get the names of the nearby streets using Geonames' "Find nearby streets"

Then for each street I get a geopoint and run it by TomTom's Reverse Geocoding method of their Map Toolkit API, that gives me the min and max street number values for each of the streets.

like image 105
7usam Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 06:11
