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New posts in schema.org

Mixing JSON-LD CollectionPage and Microdata `hasPart` of Schema.org

How can I use schema.org to label a person (without repeating myself) as both a member of an organization and the author of a book?

html microdata schema.org

Creating triple for http://schema.org/workLocation

schema.org turtle-rdf

Should I use publishDate or datePublished for schema.org Review markup?


Schema.org WebPage - isPartOf?

html schema.org microdata

How to implement schema.org containedIn?

html seo markup schema.org

Show discount in Schema.org

Schema.org markup in emails

Do search engines read hCard Microformat data, or should I use Schema.org as well?

What's the best way to parse RDFa, Microdata, etc, store and display info back using a uniform schema/vocabulary (schema.org's for example)

Schema.org openingHours in <time>

html date schema.org microdata

How to approach schema.org microdata markup in an product offers aggregation page

microdata schema.org

Error: Page contains property "price" which is not part of the schema

JBuilder json keys with @ symbol to use schema.org metadata using json-ld

Breadcrumb with Schema.org not showing in Google Rich Snippets testing tool

schema.org microdata: Do as schema.org says, or as Google says?

Adding microdata or schema.org for breadcrumb SEO in Drupal 7

Splitting schema.org Microdata over multiple divs or elements

html microdata schema.org

Why is an image URL an invalid item type for an image in a BlogPosting?

schema.org microdata

JSON-LD Schema.org: Multiple video/image page

web seo schema.org json-ld