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Schema.org markup in emails

Is there some table that lists compatibility in email clients with Schema.org markup? I know Gmail works, but what about other clients?

Edit: For clarification, i'm asking what email clients support schema.org markup in HTML emails

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essexboyracer Avatar asked Aug 06 '19 07:08


People also ask

What is schema in email?

As a marketer, you want your email to have an impact on the recipient; schema markup in emails motivates them to take the required action on emails as early as possible. The call-to-action button is the highlight of the email as it paves the path for starting the right business communication with the user.

Can Schema.org definitions be used in email messages as well as web pages?

Schema.org is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.

1 Answers

Available Encodings

Note: Although schema.org vocabulary recommends many different encodings, including RDFa, Microdata and JSON-LD, only gmail supports it. Markup for Apple mail and MS Outlook differs.

Most Popular Email Clients

The word most popular email clients are: The Word Most Popular Email Clients

Markup for Apple Mail

Unfortunately, I don't know any mentions of Schema.org usage for Apple Mail.

But, you can create and customize your e-mail stationary. There are many howtos to quickstart.

Also, you can use Fira-Stationery by by Corey Edwards as a starter template. It's a simple, clean, unobtrusive, content-first template.


Markup for Gmail

As for email markup, there are two available for Gmail: JSON-LD (recommended) and Microdata

Markup for MS Outlook

Instead of microdata markup, there are Actionable message cards See Get started with actionable messages for details

Howto check your markup before sending

Anyway, you can test your markup using different email-testing tools, such as:

  • Litmus Email Testing
  • HTML Email Check and Validation Tool | HTML Email Check

Useful guides

  • Structured Data in Email Marketing – Litmus Software, Inc. by Litmus
  • How to add Schema.org markup to your email marketing
  • Differences between JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa answered to this question
like image 93
Yasen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10
