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Using HTML5+Microdata's <meta> tag in the <body>

html meta schema.org microdata

schema.org / microdata - Product or Offer?

microdata schema.org

News item in Schema.org

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Semantics of relative URLs in schema.org Breadcrumbs in JSON-LD

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Google Rich Snippets Not Working

Schemas not showing in Google Now or Google Search

schema.org markup for a product with two prices: normal price and reduced price


Why does Google Testing Tool use the "id" attribute to generate a URL for the Microdata item?

Add custom attributes to Vuetify tags

Can Schema.org VideoObject tags be applied to iframes?

Mixing JSON-LD and Microdata Schema.org

Schema.org creator vs. author property

rdf ontology schema.org

Best way to markup "mainContentOfPage"?

microdata schema.org

What are the appropriate formats for the properties of http://schema.org/GeoShape?

Itemscope and itemprop at same level

html seo microdata schema.org

Right way to set microdata for Q&A HTML

html schema.org microdata

schema.org: Multiple opening hours on same day

microdata schema.org

Is the schema.org documentation partly invalid?

html microdata schema.org

Schema.org openingHours w/ multiple times & days that are closed

metadata schema.org