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New posts in microdata

What's the best way to parse RDFa, Microdata, etc, store and display info back using a uniform schema/vocabulary (schema.org's for example)

Schema.org openingHours in <time>

html date schema.org microdata

How to approach schema.org microdata markup in an product offers aggregation page

microdata schema.org

Breadcrumb with Schema.org not showing in Google Rich Snippets testing tool

schema.org microdata: Do as schema.org says, or as Google says?

Adding microdata or schema.org for breadcrumb SEO in Drupal 7

Splitting schema.org Microdata over multiple divs or elements

html microdata schema.org

Why is an image URL an invalid item type for an image in a BlogPosting?

schema.org microdata

Using HTML5+Microdata's <meta> tag in the <body>

html meta schema.org microdata

schema.org / microdata - Product or Offer?

microdata schema.org

News item in Schema.org

html schema.org microdata

Html for Snail Mail Addresses

Why does Google Testing Tool use the "id" attribute to generate a URL for the Microdata item?

Add custom attributes to Vuetify tags

Can Schema.org VideoObject tags be applied to iframes?

Which Microdata parser should I use in Python [closed]

Mixing JSON-LD and Microdata Schema.org

Best way to markup "mainContentOfPage"?

microdata schema.org