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Jena ConversionException while viewing owl:NamedIndividual as an OntClass

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Open World Assumption in Protégé Ontology

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How to state "Pat knows Mike's telephone number" in RDF/ OWL

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Not getting the required output using Wordnet Synset's definition method

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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.semanticweb.HermiT.Reasoner.<init>(Unknown Source)

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OWL Terminology: Why do Individuals Have ObjectProperties (Instead of IndividualProperties)


Browsing/editing RDF/OWL Instances

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How do I define relation properties in OWL?

Property chain reasoning over rdf:type

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OWLAPI : how load ontology having import works?

Restrictions in Protégé

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OWL how can I know if something should be class or instance?

Grammatical framework GF and owl

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Is it possible to use xsd datatypes (e.g. xsd:string) and xml language attribute simultaneously in OWL2/RDF?

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In an ontology, how to define a property's value as a datetime

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Ordering of entities in an ontology

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SPARQL search for xsd:integer only, no decimals

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OWL Individual in java

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