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New posts in xsd

XSL value-of doesn't seem to get value from the xml

xml xslt xsd value-of

Is "00" a legal month and/or day value for XML Schema date datatype?

xml date types xsd bibliography

Specifying multiple patterns in a restriction in a XSD

java xml regex xsd

How can I validate xsd using apache camel?

Restricting specific numbers in XSD

xml xsd xsd-1.1

Extract enumeration values from xsd schema file in .net

.net xsd enumeration

How do you resolve a URN?

xml xsd urn

Where can I find XML schema definitions (XSD) for JSF Facelets tag libraries?

jsf xsd facelets

XML to be validated against multiple xsd schemas

java xml xsd

XML Schema: how to have multiple identical elements?

xml xsd schema

Removing elements from an XML document, XSLT and JAXB

java xml xslt xsd jaxb

xml simple type with enumeration and union

xml types xsd union enumeration

Representing byte array as an XSD schema

xsd jaxb

.NET XmlSerializer and decimals

c# .net xml xsd

JAXB doesn't generate all element classes

java xml jaxb xsd

XSD annotation and documentation elements, and how to use them


Generating JAXB class from XSDs with similar attribute names

How can I specify a unique constraint for attributes using the <xs:unique> as a child element of the <xs:element> tag?

xsd unique-constraint

RegEx for specified string length range : XSD attribute element

regex xml xsd xml-attribute

Error: Failed to parse a schema by xjc in case of xs:choice

java xsd jaxb