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New posts in jaxb2

JAXB 2.1 implementing Comparable<T> for the generated Class

Generating JAXB class from XSDs with similar attribute names

namespace issue on web service with Apache CXF

How to specify a list of complexType in XML?

java xml xsd jaxb jaxb2

JAXB unmarshalling exception: unexpected element when spring webservice 1.0.4

spring spring-ws jaxb2

Need help in formatting JAXB output

java xml jaxb2 xml-formatting

JAXB Exception: Class not known to this context while marshalling

java jaxb marshalling jaxb2

JAXB: Qualified attributes disables default namespace xmlns=""?

jaxb jaxb2 moxy

JAXB: Unmarshall to different classes based on an element's attribute value

java jaxb2

Can xjc -version be trusted?

jaxb java jaxb2

Using an adapter to marshal a class to a root element with MOXy or any other JAXB implementation

jaxb2 moxy

How to serialize POJO to xml with namespace prefix

CXF java2ws: how to include external xsd files?

java jaxb cxf jaxb2

Spring 3, ReST, @ResponseBody and @ExceptionHandler

spring jaxb2

jaxb Unmarshalling date

jaxb jaxb2

JAXB getting Object "" is found in an IDREF property but this object doesnt have an ID

java xml jaxb2 scorm2004

How to customize package-info.java generated by JAXB2

maven jaxb2

Netbeans with JAXB Random ClassCastException ..cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor