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New posts in maven-jaxb2-plugin

JAXB 2.1 implementing Comparable<T> for the generated Class

Generating JAXB class from XSDs with similar attribute names

Eclipse error message for jvnet maven-jaxb2-plugin version 0.13.0

JAXB generates List<Jaxbelement> instead of fields

Spring toolsuite shows error on <execution> for maven-jaxb2-plugin

referencing/including xsd files in a jar

java xsd maven-jaxb2-plugin

how to get maven-jaxws-plugin to generate @XmlElementWrapper on classes generated from xsd?

Resource ServletContext resource does not exist

JaxB adds undescore(_) when generating Enumerations from XSD

jaxb2 goal is not invoked

Jaxb2 regenerate classes with every mvn clean package

maven-jaxb2-plugin fails with JAXB version attribute must be present

xjc, maven-jaxb2-plugin: cryptic java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRef.required()

How to specify the JAXB version in maven-jaxb2-plugin?

How does one get JAXB-generated sources onto the Eclipse build path under m2e/Indigo?