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Maven keeps messing up my java compiler and build path settings

java eclipse maven m2e

Maven found missing in Eclipse IDE (Mars) after installing m2e-egit

How to get rid of "javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext cannot be resolved to a type" in jsp page with Eclipse?

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Eclipse Java Maven project disable dafault project facets

java spring maven m2eclipse m2e

Dependency hierarchy view for maven in Eclipse Indigo

eclipse maven m2e

Maven provided scope and eclipse runtime classpath

eclipse maven classpath m2e

Make src/main/resources/ use the "flat view" like src/main/java in Eclipse

eclipse m2eclipse m2e

Configure Eclipse Formatter with m2e

When and how does m2e use the Maven test scope to include test dependencies in Eclipse Run Configurations?

eclipse maven m2eclipse m2e

Eclipse m2e - No Such File or Directory in pom.xml

eclipse maven pom.xml m2e

eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse - maven command usage

eclipse + m2e + junit + infinitest + eclemma?

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Cannot search for artifact in Eclipse Kepler using m2e plugin

Web resources filtering with Maven war plugin does not work in Eclipse with m2e

eclipse maven eclipse-wtp m2e