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New posts in eclemma

EclEmma Code Coverage Ignore Junit Tests

java eclipse junit4 eclemma

Getting an error when using EclEmma (eclipse plugin) with JMockit (only with Delegate())

java eclipse jmockit eclemma

Jacoco is not showing coverage for PowerMockito classes

How to Ignore coverage for java core assertions, Eclipse Eclemma

junit jacoco assertion eclemma

java.lang.ClassCastException: Z cannot be cast to java.lang.String

eclipse eclemma - No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.eclemma

java eclipse eclemma

How do I ignore scanning certain classes using EclEmma and Eclipse?

java eclipse eclemma

Can fully covered code have an EclEmma coverage rating of less than 100%?

Gradle Jacoco Plugin Reporting Zero Coverage

Where do I find the eclEmma dependencies?

Aggregated Coverage or Coverage in the dependent modules not shown in SonarQube + Reports are generated by Jacoco

Code coverage in Android Studio

How to properly run Eclemma coverage with Java

EclEmma Line Number Output Java Eclipse Plugin

java eclipse eclemma

How to launch unit tests under EclEmma without using the VisualVM launcher with that launcher installed

eclipse visualvm eclemma

Eclemma always reporting 0% of code coverage

java eclemma

Excluding Synthetic Classes in Emma within STS

eclipse + m2e + junit + infinitest + eclemma?

eclipse m2e eclemma infinitest