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EclEmma Code Coverage Ignore Junit Tests

The only way I have found to not check code coverage on my JUnit tests is to right click on the package, choose Coverage as..., and then choose configuration. Then I can unclick my test package. I have tried every possible combination to exclude test under the general preferences/java/code coverage/exclude and not seen any changes. I always put my tests in a separate test source folder with the same package name as my src code.

Do I really have to configure every single project to ignore my JUnit tests? This seems redundant. Why would anyone want to check the coverage of their tests?

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JesseBoyd Avatar asked Jan 05 '23 14:01


1 Answers

There is option Only path entries matching in Preferences -> Java -> Code Coverage that is described in documentation at http://www.eclemma.org/userdoc/preferences.html:

Comma separated list of strings that must match with the class path entry. A class path entry matches the filter, if it contains one of the given strings. (e.g. "src/main/java", Default: no filter)

Code Coverage Preferences

After setting it to src/main/java and running test that is located in src/test/java:

enter image description here

like image 93
Godin Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 02:01
